Monday 4 February 2008

Its still happening.. slowly

I believe it's wrong to steal Valium from vulnerable people but let me tell you, the last two months has left me tempted. There were points where I wondered if marrying TOH (aforementioned - The Other Half) in a field somewhere in Vermont wasn't the finest idea ever to pop into my head. However, the fear of a herd of bovine creatures munching on my leg curtailed this thought somewhat, so onwards with the wedding plans.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank unreservedly, gushingly and with absolutely no consideration to the fact that I sound like I was going utterly mad.. which I was, to the girl who will keep me in check on the big day. She rushed down to Swindon with her laptop, Excel spreadsheets and a fine bottle of vodka and saved me from certain doom. She somehow extracted from the swirling pit of panic what it was that I wanted from my day and firmly but gently set me on the path to a day that won't leave me forever reaching for prescription drugs.

I love her almost as I love the man I'm going to marry!

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