Monday 13 August 2007

The initiation of WMA

My local newsagent haven't seen me recently, at least that is, in my normal guise. I used to stride in, head held high, before bunging a couple of ping meals into my basket, running the gauntlet that is taking a 6 year old through a sweet aisle and heading for the checkout. No longer can I do this, instead I sidle in, with a hoodie that would have me the leader of any gang of 16 year olds, pulled tightly over my head. My mission is simple, to get in, get something and get out again as fast as possible, avoiding eye to eye contact with anyone who might recognise me for fear that this was the 5th time this week.

My name is Nickki P and I stand before you with an addiction. I'm a Wedding Magazine addict.. The first step as they say is in the admission.. now I've accepted it, I can deal with it but next week you understand, as soon as Wedding Ideas comes out. When I was younger, I had a thing for Twirl bars, not so healthy but oh the bliss of a chocolate binge. Now I feed the sugar monster through the pink, frothy perfection that is the expertise of those who promise the perfect day.

Of course, the slippery slope was so gentle to begin. There was this little chat, where it was suggested that an engagement was a good idea, that married life was what we both wanted, I'm sure he'll come to his senses shortly but for now, and whilst I gently batter him round the head with a cricket bat, he's still convinced it is.

So wow.. I'm getting married, I need a guide, I need to know where to start, despite the fact that I've worked nearly purely online for 9 years now and I'm more likely to reach for Google than anything else in my life, I need a magazine. Why? I'm not entirely sure. It makes sense as I hand over my £3.95 and I retreat to the car.

They are so pretty, the pages silky, beautifully laid out, page after page of dresses, inspiration, honeymoons, checklists.. oh yes, I need a checklist, I need to get this right. I devour every column inch hungrily, making mental notes, strangely enough reading backwards from the day itself.

STOP RIGHT THERE! "Month 9, write your guest list" I breathe deeply at first, it must be a typo. It says just there in Month 18 to book a venue, how on earth do you choose a venue when you have no idea how many people your inviting. I need another magazine.. this ones wrong.

Do you see where it started?

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