Saturday 3 November 2007

The disclaimer

Before I start blogging about my impending wedding, I need to add a disclaimer to my posts. I find the entire process absolutely intriguing, I find the industry that supplies those of us who are about to get spliced utterly horrifying. I'm sure, in fact positive, that over time I will find suppliers who I learn to trust but oh my, there are some sharks out there.

Add to that the truly strange things that go through your head when your contemplating spending 1/3 of your outstanding mortgage on one day, and the whole process takes on a slightly bizarre slant.

However, I haven't lost the plot.. at least not yet.. I do know what this is all about. There is a man in my life who I adore with all my heart. I can't wait to be his wife, the thought of spending the rest of my life with him is truly amazing. The thought of standing next to him in our church and promising to love, honour and (well the next bit is up for debate) till we get old and wrinkly is quite possibly the most amazing idea ever. My vows to him are held in the highest esteem, they will be the most important words I ever say as I dedicate my life to him. None of this is lost on me.

Hanging onto that should get me through the wedding issues, I'm praying it will help me stay calm when I recieve quotes that leave me struggling to breathe as my ribs explode in horror. I can't wait to be Mrs Johns, I just need to keep it together to get through the wedding and my blog is just really a way of keeping track of my sanity, maybe getting input and a light-hearted look at how the first day of married life seems to be the scariest.


Nytesђade™ said...

All projects need a plan, I have the gant chart ready and the wedding date set.

If it helps we can make little figurines of all your guests and we can position them on a scaled model of the venue, and like all the best generals we can push them around to deploy our forces in the most optimum postitions.. this includes in laws being sited as far away from each other as the space allows.... prudent is best m'dear....

Nytesђade™ said...
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